Monday, July 2, 2007

Our first exercise, as I understand it, is to read and comment on the "7 1/2 Habits of a Successful Lifelong Learner," which are as follows:

1. Begin [all tasks] with an end in mind.
2. Accept responsibility for your own learning.
3. View problems as challenges.
4. Have confidence in yourself as a competent, effective learner.
5. Create your own learning toolbox.
6. Use technology to your advantage.
7. Teach/mentor others.
7.5 Play.

I am in agreement with, and hopefully already apply most if not all of the aforementioned habits in my work life, with the possible exception of the first. Good or bad, I rarely have a clear-cut end in mind when undertaking a task. Most objectives, particularly the more complex or ambitious ones, evolve over time (take for instance the processing of the Wyatt Collection) . Personally, the second "habit" is perhaps the least challenging. I have always accepted responsibility for my own learning.

Friday, June 29, 2007

I was reluctant, and still a little skeptical, about the prospect of creating a blog. But then it occurred to me that I might take this opportunity to flesh out a few ideas in preparation for my upcoming trip to Thailand, as well perhaps, as record notes and post any photographs or videos shot during my travels.